Life Groups - Let's Do Life Together!

We want to invite you to join one of our Life Groups.  We believe that life is better when we do it together.  When you join a Life Group, you will partner with others, sharing life’s journey!  Life Groups are designed to help you Grow, Connect, and Serve through Bible Study and Christian community.  No one was meant to do life alone!

Joe and Elaine Williford

Date and Time1ST and 3RD Thursday at 6:30PM

Adults | Anyone

Studying: Daniel – Spiritual Living in a Secular World

Location: Meets at the home of Joe and Elaine Williford

Hey all!  We are Joe and Elaine Williford.  We will celebrate 57 years of marriage this April.  We met and started dating in the 9th grade.  We have three children, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

We moved to Bowling Green four years ago to be closer to our daughter, so she could help with our “senior” moments.  We became members of Lakeview “quickly” after moving here because of its caring nature and that Lakeview taught the “Word” as it is written.


A woodworker that after many years is still amazed at what God has made available in the “face of wood”.  An avid reader of multiple genres, a “studier” of things historical significance, the constitution, prominent men and women who contributed to the building of our great nation.  Thoroughly enjoys “teaching” with the goal of making “you think”.


Has a heart for “helping”.  You name it, she will help “you” do it.  She doesn’t like to lead, but will put in whatever effort is necessary behind the scenes.  She loves to dig deep in scripture and biblical studies.  She is a prayer warrior.  She battles daily, and does so boldly, for those on her prayer list.

Just know that we are here for you, whatever mountains you are climbing, whatever valleys you are in.