New Beginnings Discipleship Study


Join us for the New Beginnings Discipleship Study that will be taught by Bro. Wayne Price.  This study is a 10-week series and will meet each Thursday evening, starting on […]

Candidates for Membership


Membership Sunday for anyone that has completed the New Members class by Pastor Scott.  See Pastor Scott for more details.

Silver Boomers Puzzle Palooza


All seniors are invited to join the Silver Boomers for a fun time of fellowship and puzzles in the church foyer.

Silver Boomers Dinner and Games

Tra Di Noi Ristorante 360 E 8th Ave Suite 110, Bowling Green, KY, United States

All seniors are invited to join the Silver Boomers at Tra Di Noi Italian Restaurant and then games afterwards at the church.

Silver Boomers Puzzle Palooza

All seniors are invited to join the Silver Boomers for a fun time of fellowship and puzzles in the church foyer.

Passion Week Revival


Everyone is invited to Passion Week Revival.  We will have revival services each the following date and times. Sunday, March 24th - Triumphal Entry at 10:00am with Bro. James Forlines. […]

Silver Boomers Puzzle Palooza


All seniors are invited to join the Silver Boomers for a fun time of fellowship and puzzles in the church foyer.

Easter Egg Hunt


Student Ministry Easter Egg Hunt with everything starting in the Sanctuary with worship and devotion at 10:00 am.

Silver Boomers Activity


All Silver Boomers are invited to join in the church foyer for activity and fellowship.

Silver Boomers Activity


All Silver Boomers are invited to join in the church foyer for activity and fellowship.

Marriage Retreat


Call all you married couples to come and enjoy a marriage retreat at Lakeview.  Deadline to sign -up is Sunday, March 24th.  Please see Amy Bee with any questions, details, […]