Easter Egg Hunt
ConnectStudent Ministry Easter Egg Hunt with everything starting in the Sanctuary with worship and devotion at 10:00 am.
Student Ministry Easter Egg Hunt with everything starting in the Sanctuary with worship and devotion at 10:00 am.
Sign-ups for the creative arts camp are located at the Student Information table in the foyer. The cost of the […]
We are excited to have a kids basketball camp in the church FLC! Please sign up at the student center […]
Students promotion to their new classes as we begin the new "school" year! All students ready for the next level, move up!
All children, 6th grade and under, and their parents are invite to the pool party at Pastor J.D. home. Please see Pastor J.D. for more details.
Church will provide the turkey, ham, and drinks. Everyone else is asked to bring sides and desserts. We will also […]
We will not be having any services on Wednesday, November 27th for the Thanksgiving Holiday. We encourage you to spend […]
There are only four children Christmas play rehearsal days left. Wednesday, December 4th - 5:30pm - 6:30pm Sunday, December 8th - 1:00pm - 3:00pm Wednesday, December 11th - 5:00pm - […]
We are participating in the Bowling Green Christmas Parade. Students who wish ride on the Lakeview Student float need to […]
Come join us as we go Christmas Caroling to several of our members. We hope to have you join us.
Come join us for our 5th Wednesday Night Fellowship in the FLC.
Youth camp is for children of all ages and an exciting time to enjoy the things of Summer and Worship! Sign-up sheet is located at the Student Welcome Center outside […]